Monday, 7 May 2012

Audience expectations

We as a group decided to look at different genres and their expected conventions within them, we asked people of different backgrounds and different ages to answer a few questions on our proposed genre about what they expect to see and what age certification they expect a typical comedy to be. I came up with a few relevant questions for the participants to answer about their opinions for the expectations of a comedic film.

5 People where asked to answer these questions.

1. Would you consider watching a comedy film?
2.What 3 things would you typically associate with a comedy film you would consider watching?
3. Which certification would you expect your typical comedy to be?
4.When would you expect to watch a film of this genre?

I believed that from these questions I would be able to collect enough information about the conventions expected from this particular genre.

Stuart Thurgood Phillips - 17

1. Yes
2. Sexual Themes, teen humour and spoofs/parodies
3.15 - 18
4. With friends or at home when bored

Mark Phillips -50

2. Gags, far'fetched events, slapstick
3. 15
4. At home with family.

Georgia Phillips - 8

1. Yes
2. Funny people, love and a happy ending
3. U - PG
4. With parents after school.

Maud Hesketh - 25

1. Yes
2. Stereotypes, parodies and a vague storyline
3. 15 - 18
4.With the boyfriend or flatmates

Charlotte Hampel - 14

1. Yes
2. Love, rude guys and happy endings
3. 12A/ 15
4. with my friends at a sleepover.

Scott Burgess - 13


Peter Sterne - 30

2. Drugs, sexual themes and "cringey" moments
3. 15 - 18
4. with friends or alone in bedroom if bored.

From the answers collected I have deducted that comedy films are very popular among audiences of any age, this is probably due to the fact that comedies are rapidly developing into different hybrids and each target audience will be persuaded to watch "their type of comedy film" it is obvious that the participants between the age of 15-17 are commonly fans of comedies dubbed 'Teen Comedy' which feature exagerrated high Schools often set in America and involve adolescent sexual adventure and conflicts with authority, for example the American Pie  series of films, i believed each were certified a 15 for scenes of a sexual nature and for use of profanity.
It has also been discovered that the location of which comedies are watched is, majority of the time, at home via dvd or television rather than on the big screen, this is down to the lack of comfort audiences may feel in some scenes and watching them in there own home makes the 'Cringey' parts of the film become more bareable.
the certification for most comedies is 15-18 although this is mainly due to the modern hybrids and their content, comedies can still be enjoyed by children whilst being different subgenres, which is what helps to make it probably the most popular genres in the history of film, because it caters to such a mass audience and can be split into so many different hybrids.

Robert Thurgood Phillips 

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