When we filmed our preliminary we found the equipment pretty simple to use once we had been shown how to do so by our media teacher, we used two different cameras and also a tripod and dolly when filming certain shots, we sometimes faced problems when filming but they could easily be overcome, such as excess sound or something in the shot which needed to be edited out, we overcome these problems by filming the shot repeatedly or editing it later, usually these mistakes where cause by our lack of experience in filming but we soon got the hang of it, we did not have to go back and re-film any of our scenes as we made sure to film each scene a few times so we could pick out the best and edit it how we wanted.
I believe our group worked really well when filming although we will make sure to use the full potential of the tripods when we next film, we were fairly prepared for filming as we got our props out ready for when we needed to film and used them well within our shots, as a group we managed to work really well together with no conflicts of ideas and when we actually filmed noone really got in the way or distracted others.
I really enjoyed filming and found it really fun working with both cameras when filming match on action shots.
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