Friday, 21 October 2011

Ideas for preliminary task

Our initial disccussion for our preliminary task involved a western, we then developed our ideas further to decide we were going to produce a 'spaghetti western' in which we would include each camera angle requested by the exam board, we chose to tell the short story of a woman named Wanda who was happy and enjoying herself until she is kidnapped y an evil villian named Manuel who wished to live his life happily with her, without her concent, we will stick to the 180 degree rule throughout our preliminary but it is introduced with the first direct dialogue and our first shot reverse shot will start the 180 degree rule, then Wanda will be captured by Manuel and taking into a room, match on action will be used in this shot as he walks into the room, he will then proceed to engage again in direct speech with Wanda in which another shot reverse shot will be used, then our hero Harold will burst in to save the day, lassooing Manuel and then tying him to a chair, when he bursts through the door another match on action shot will be used and then some more dialogue will be exchanged before Harold and Wanda leave the scene together, there will be more speech and then the film will have a happy ending.

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