Tuesday 20 March 2012

Animated Logo Design Research

As we have been given our own production company name we will need to make a logo to show at the beginning of the film, there are many possibilities of different ways of creating a logo, whether we go for a logo that is animated or just a still picture we will have to take different factors into effect such as the fact that we are creating an independant film so it can not look too grand but we still need to keep a level of professionalism within our logo, we are named Scorpio Productions so it will need to be relavent and our ideas are mainly revolving around scorpions, we have created drafts of possible openings and we have confered how we would like to create our logo, we have each created a draft idea for our logo and we will continue to incorporate each idea into our final idea.

Animation is an unfamiliar task to us so i have been researching different ways of animating which would not be to complicated in order to be able to complete our design without difficulty.

I have begun by looking at different ways of creating .GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) as it looks professional and possible with the technology we have, after searching the internet I found a selection of websites with the same way of creating .GIFs and was recommended the website http://gickr.com/ by a friend who had used it before.

Another way of creating an animation with the technology available would be to use Photoshop in order to create a .GIF, this is not as simple as using the website but I will be able to ask some of my friends who have this program and know how to use it to teach me, it would be good as the final product would be very professional and would probably be better quality than if i were to use gickr.com.
in this program pictures are edited then captured together along a timeline to create an easy and effective way of making your own animation.

Robert Thurgood Phillips

Monday 5 March 2012

Film Opening Remake: Superbad

To help us in our research before we create our project we are looking at actual film openings created and to understand better how to go about creating our own we have decided to create a remake of an opening scene, this was from the film Superbad.

We decided to choose Superbad because we are debating whether to create a film of the same genre, Superbad's opening was also very straightforward to create which means that we learnt not to overcomplicate our opening later on and also meant we could complete and edit this quick enough to not waste the time we can use for continued research in order to develop after our preliminary.

This is our remake for the film Superbad and I believe that after completing this project we have developed in use of the equipment and for editing ready for our final project, also it has given us an incentive for what genres we would like to do, and although no executive decisions have been made yet I have considered doing comedy and will continue to confer about it with my group.